
Monday, January 18, 2010

How would a person create a free soci...

How would a person create a free society?

First, define free society.
Free society: one in which all information is free, all physical entities are free, every bit of anything is free to you, for your use, for everyone's use.
The only way this would work is if we quit labeling things as "yours" or "mine", and start devoting them to everyone. The only way that would be feasible is if people actually worked for their meals. The only way that would work is if they were optimally trained for persuing their life's goals, (goals thought of by themselves and developed by themselves, with possible aid in final touches) and people who weren't lazy.
The only way this would happen is if people were educated on the matters that most apply to us, and given tools to fix them.
Education needs to change. Steepen the learning curve. The learning curve, as it is, takes 18+ years of your life to understand the science you might possibly have a chance at helping with. I say understand what problems there are with it now, and help people with developing solutions to those problems. When you're first able to speak effecively, you can communicate ideas you have. When you're first able to listen effectively, you can start taking it all in. Help with it then.
Start talking about the most pressing issues humanity faces. Start telling people, openly, that we need to brainstorm, and LEAD THE WAY IN BRAINSTORMING, IMPLEMENTING, AND SEEING THROUGH SOLUTIONS. Educate people. Tell them what's going on, let them fix it on their own terms. Stop letting them sit idly by while the planet combusts itself, greenhouse gasses kill the planet, education systems fail to teach basic principles of logic and oratorical skills, costs of education rise while costs of war decrease, obesity becomes normal, epidemics spread across the earth, and crosswalk lights are too short to cross on.

Let them know, and they will help. Let them believe there's a solution, and they will make one up on the spot and perform it before your very eyes. Stop telling people that they should be educated on this, this and this. Educate them and implement their education. Develop them to do what they were born to do. Develop them to communicate, and communicate well.

Educate them.

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