Just when you think everything is going for you, when everything is perfect and things couldn't possibly get any better, Monday hits. It sucks. Get over it.
In case any person out there is still unaware, being in the military is a lot of hard work. It's a lot of physical exercise, it's a lot of not knowing what to do and doing it anyway with a forward-thinking attitude, it's a lot of waiting for things that aren't going to happen soon, but you still have to be perfectly ready to handle them when they do happen. Wars aren't fought at the time you feel like they will be. Wars are fought when you're in the bathroom, when you just sat down, when you're on your way to breakfast, whether you're ready or not, so you had better be as prepared as possible to live longer, harder, and faster than the other guy, or you won't. That's the alternative, you just won't. No second chances, no re-tries, no take-backs. You didn't live enough, you don't get a further lease and this rent will be paid now. That's the end.
I'm rambling, let me get to the point. There are plenty of: imagine you had one x-amount-of-time to live, what would you do? There are plenty of scenarios in which you can envision yourself doing the greatest good for you possible if you only had so much time to live, faced with your own mortality you might live a little better to try and increase the time you had or the pleasure you live or the amount of people that will miss you when you're gone. Let's try something different.
Imagine you could live for eternity. What would you do? Faced with all that time and nothing to spend it on, because nothing we've created so far is worth that much time, nor will anything we create ever be worth an eternity, what do you do with a million dollars when everyone on the planet has no more than one dollar in their entire life? How do you live? What will you do? Would you spend a good portion of that time researching ways to give it to other people, let people who "deserve it" more live longer and force other genes out of the playing pool? I want you to do that, sure. That'd be nice if an immortal was actually beneficial.
Not that this will ever happen, of course, the thought process is a lot simpler than that. Ghandi once said "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
Think about that.