
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

God and Evil

As I've stated in my Google Group before this, I have a question about God that is truly perplexing.

God uses evil things, when and if they happen, and makes goodness come
out of it. This is necessary and good, because if something bad
happens, God always fixes it.

Evil uses good things and tries to make them,
well, evil. That's the point.

So my question really isn't do they have to use each other (ie, will
goodness or evil collapse if the other is gone?), but a question of:
Can God, since he uses evil, be part evil himself?

and please don't use Bible verses in this one, I know they all point
to God being good, but I'm confused about that as well(why does God in
the OT condone destroying nations[even down to the innocent little
children?!] and the God of the NT say "love thine enemies."?
Hypocritical? But he's God...)

I'm truly confused and if anyone can answer this, please do. I haven't quit believing yet because I could swear I've answered this question myself once, and satisfactorily. I just can't remember, though, so please help! Is God God, and/or Evil?

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